RIO™ can be quickly deployed nationwide to any location, including retail centers, construction sites, sports venues, and hospitals.
Easy Setup & Activation
Setup is quick and we will take care of the deployment details. Ask about 24/7 remote monitoring.
Extreme Ruggedness
RIO™ is rugged and built to withstand even the harshest of deployment environments.
RIO™ 180
A single ROSA perched atop a 2-panel solar powered, portable trailer that provides a 180° view over any property, parking lot, or facility.
RIO™ 360
A dual ROSA configuration perched atop a 4-panel solar powered, portable trailer that provides a 360° view for an extra level of security and safety.
Just Some of the Many Features of RIO™:
- Communications
High-speed 5G LTE connectivity with a cellular plan included, plus an option for LAN Wi-Fi — no IT resources needed. - Power System
Battery-powered with solar charging, adjustable solar array, automatic charge control, and alternative charging options. - Tamper Resistance
Tamper-resistant battery compartment with tamper alarms.